Nov 26, 2020
Hi, Sheevaun here driving for your success. Today we're talking about vision boards and how they just won't work for you. One of the vision boards that comes to mind when I'm telling you about this is that a friend of mine who had this giant vision board on right above her desk. Nothing like confusing the universe and...
Nov 19, 2020
Hi, Sheevaun here, Driving for Your Success. I'm really crawling for your success right now here in Southern California on the freeway, but I have my sun roof open and it's a beautiful afternoon. What could be bad? Tonight is Halloween, All Hallows' Eve, and something that really doesn't get addressed is, how scary and...
Nov 12, 2020
Heavy one Sheevaun here, driving for your success, and today's topic is how stress kills your success and how to transcend it. So one of the ways that I ended up here in this position of coaching and mentoring and online programs and many events is because I was ultimately stressed. I was and I was unconscious to this...
Nov 5, 2020
Hey Everyone Shavon here driving for your success, and we recently did a poll in our email list and one of the things that some surprise to me was about how much pain people wanted to be out of physical pain people wanted to be out of. And I've changed many thousands of people how to use energy to heal their bodies...